Eye on Nature Creative Arts
Saturday 20 September - Saturday 05 October, 2025
Teaching tamariki to love the environment through art!
Eye on Nature Creative Arts is the Beautification Trust's annual art competition for South and East Auckland kindergarten and primary school students.
Students are challenged to create art around the Eye on Nature theme, making use of sustainable materials and re-purposed waste.
The judges assess the artworks based on their interpretation of the theme, use of materials, the artist’s statement about their work, originality, innovation, construction and effort. The winning schools and kindergartens are awarded cash prizes and art supply vouchers, with a total prize pool worth $2,550!
All entries will be displayed in the professional exhibition space at the Auckland Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre during the October school holidays.
2024 Eye on Nature Theme: Act Local – What's in your backyard?
This year we're exploring how to care for our local spaces. We want you to show us how you learn about and look after te taiao (the environment) around you!
Together, we can take small steps to protect the animals, plants, and insects around us. There are so many special things that need our help, and your backyard, school, garden, or nearby park is a great place to start!
Enter the competition
Eye on Nature Creative Arts is open to South and East Auckland kindergartens and primary schools.
Home schooled students or students entering independently of their school are also welcome to enter.
There is no cost to enter. We believe all children should have access to environmental and sustainability education, so participation in this programme is free of charge.
Entries for 2024 are now closed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Prize categories
1st: $500
2nd: $250
3rd: $100
Primary School
1st: $750
2nd: 500
3rd: $250
People's Choice
Awarded after the exhibition to the artwork with the most public votes.
Beautification Trust Pick
Awarded to the artwork that shows an awesome engagement with the theme and commitment to sustainability.