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Foodtogether Pop-Up

Welcome to the Foodtogether Pop-Up Manurewa!

Join us every Thursday for fresh, affordable produce right in the heart of South Auckland. In partnership with Foodtogether, we're bringing you seasonal fruits and vegetables that may be a little wonky but perfectly fresh and good to eat!

How it works

  • Come Along and Grab a Bag for $15: Join us every Thursday from 12pm till 1pm at the Foodtogether Pop-Up, and get a bag of delicious, seasonal fruit and vegetables. Item quantity limits apply. Produce selection will change weekly based on season and supply availability.

  • Pre-Order or Buy on the Day: You have the flexibility to pre-order your bag online by Tuesday 12pm, or simply come along on the day and make your purchase. Either way, you'll be getting a great deal on fresh produce. 

How it works

Pre-order your bag!


Want to secure your share of delicious, in-season fruit and vegetables without waiting in line?

Pre-order a bag by Tuesday 12pm, and we'll pack it with fresh produce on the following Thursday morning, ready for you to pick up between 12pm - 1pm.

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Pre-order now
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