Meet the Team

Daniel Barthow - CEO

Scott Henderson - Operations & Commercial Manager

Sterling Ruwhiu - Community Programmes Manager

Louise Beuvink - Marketing & Communications Manager

Stacey Upjohn - Health and Safety/Boomer Manager

Amber Galea - Zero Waste Manager

Danielle Coad - Operations Admin

Carolyn Robinson - Volunteer Facilitator

Ashritha Bagadam - Community Educator

Naomi Fleming - Recycling Centre Coordinator

Collett Paniora - Recycling Centre Coordinator

Joanna Long - Recycling Centre Coordinator

Nina Peihopa - Recycling Centre Coordinator

Teo Arani Taare-Ward - Graffiti Support Co-Ordinator

Naomi Tjandra - Marketing & Communications Specialist

Richard (Reesh) Casey - Bike Hub Lead

Lenny Van Heugten - Pest Free Activator

Zoe Braun - Festival Marketing Co-Ordinator
Environmental Support Team
Our team of awesome Specialists are dedicated to removing graffiti vandalism and other environmental initiatives in our communities.


Not pictured:
Dallas, Zerick & Daniel
Board Members
Our Board members are committed to the vision and mission of the Trust. They are passionate about our South Auckland communities and support the management of the Trust through effective governance. We are simply blessed with the best!

Franco Noblejas - Trustee

Luella Linaker - Trustee

Marshal Walia - Trustee

Sei Brown - Trustee

Holly Walmsley - Trustee

Barbara Carney - Secretary