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Creativity, Zero Waste, and Community: Highlights from the Boomer Shed

Meet our guest blogger, Laura Qin, a passionate volunteer and dedicated member of the Boomer Shed – our community shed for people over 50. Laura keeps us updated with insider stories, project highlights, and the magic that makes the Boomer Shed a special place.

Welcome to another update from the Boomer Shed, where creativity and community spirit flourish. Our Boomers have been hard at work, transforming everyday items into magical creations and fostering a sense of togetherness in our community. Here's a look at the latest projects and initiatives that have been keeping our Boomer Shed buzzing with activity.

Blind Low Vision NZ Project: Crafting a Textile Wall Sensory Play Area

Our collaboration with Blind Low Vision NZ has been a truly inspiring journey, and the progress on the sensory mural for their school in Homai is nothing short of magic.

Designed to provide a tactile and interactive experience for children who are blind or have low vision, our talented boomers have created intricately hand-carved waka sailing through wavy oceans, guided by the moon and stars. An enchanted tree filled with delightful animals playing hide-and-seek adds to the wonder.

Each piece of the mural is crafted with boundless creativity to enrich this sensory wonderland. As we move forward, our dedicated Boomers are brimming with new ideas to add even more enchantment to this sensory adventure.

Zero Waste Initiative: Turning Discarded Pram Wheels into Balance Bikes

In our latest commitment to zero waste, an exciting project is taking the shed by storm: transforming discarded pram wheels into charming balance bikes for our community.

These balance bikes are a safe and fun way for young children to develop coordination and balance before transitioning to pedal bikes. With a prototype already rolling, our boomers are in full swing, crafting a batch that promises to delight in our community. This initiative highlights the profound impact of repurposing items that might otherwise be considered non-recyclables or waste.

Manurewa Repair Café

On June 22nd, the Manurewa Repair Café turned the Boomer Shed into a bustling hub of community gathering. Our talented boomers joined forces once again to tackle much-needed repairs for the community.

In the short span of three hours, a multitude of old and broken items were lovingly restored or repaired, and their owners left with beaming smiles and hearts full of gratitude. Some even picked up a few handy repair tips to try out at home. It’s amazing how community spirit and shared knowledge can spark so much joy and connection!

If you would like to become a boomer and get involved in one of our many interesting community projects, visit the Boomer Shed website.

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