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Seven Steps for Running Your Own Environmental or Beautification Project

Writer: Beautification TrustBeautification Trust

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

Congratulations on deciding to lead your own community project!

Local communities working together can be the most powerful movements for change. Whether it’s a waste clean-up, community mural, native planting or something else, we’re here to help you plan, organise and deliver a safe and successful community project with your group.

Here are seven key steps for leading your own fun, safe and successful environmental or beautification project!

Click each step to expand for more detail...

1. Identify the issue and decide how you want to help solve it

2. Make a Health & Safety plan

3. Make a workplan

4. Gather equipment and supplies

5. Promote your project and recruit volunteers

6. Carry out your project

7. Evaluate, reflect and share your impact


Support we can provide for community projects

The Beautification Trust is a social enterprise on a mission to connect and empower communities to learn, love and look after our environment. We’ve been running beautification projects, community events and environmental education in South and East Auckland for over 20 years.

Supporting the Totara Heights Bush Guardians at a clean-up in 2020

With the support of our tools and resources, you’ll be set up for success. If you have any questions, our experienced team are happy to offer advice and tips along the way. Please feel free to get in touch!

We can support community projects in South and East Auckland with:

  • Funding for project expenses through our Tiaki Fund

  • Free use of tools and equipment through our Community Tool Library

  • Our Creator Space to use for meetings, workshops, education and events

  • Getting permission from Auckland Council to run an event in a public place

  • Advice on Health & Safety, including in-person and online Health & Safety inductions

  • Promoting your project and connecting you with other community groups who could pitch in

  • Mural facilitation, including connecting with local artists and getting appropriate permissions

  • Arranging paint supplies

  • Pest control advice and supplies (plants and animals)

  • Providing educational materials

  • Arranging rubbish collection and/or a litter audit for your project

  • Sharing your project’s impact with our network

Please contact us for help with anything listed above! You can find links to all our resources and support options in the Appendix.


Appendix: Resources, links and templates

Health & safety guides

Healthy & safety form templates

Project guides and templates

Other useful links


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